Friday, October 15, 2004

Stuart Saves His Country

You know, I don't really consider myself overly political, but I have been watching the Al Franken Show on the Sundance Channel every night now for a week.

One little bit just made me happy. Al went over the bit of the debates where Kerry said that Bush stated in 2002 that he didn't think about Osama much, and wasn't really concerned about him. Bush then went on to say how he never said that, and kind of laughed.

Al, being awesome like he is, went on to show a clip. There was Bush at the podium. The year is 2002, and he states that he doesn't think about Osama much, and that he really wasn't concerned about him.

Kerry had quoted him exactly. I couldn't help but smile. Al then had John Lovitz's head pop up and go "LIAR!" lol.


At 4:42 PM, Blogger Rob C. said...

Yes Stuart does save his country. He will be in the Navy for about 8 more months and i can't wait for him to come home.

Oh meant like the horrid stuart saves his family movie. It's a play on words....I....I get it


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