Places You Hate Can Still Produce Things You Love.
A few nights ago two of my nieces had a school program, of which I try to attend every year. This year was no different, so after a full day of frantic shopping in town, I prepared myself of an evening of frantic kids.
Walking through the halls of a school again is always an uneasy experience. No matter what school it is, the memories come back. That uneasy, almost fear feeling comes back, and I wish to be anywhere else but that cold, unforgiving hall. That will probably stay with me my whole life. Have I mentioned that I hated school more than anything in this world? Well, I did, and do, but that isn't what I've come here to talk about.
I want to talk about my niece's programs, which were great, as always, but this year was special. Special because I finally had the wonderful little invention called a digital camera.
I didn't get as many good pictures as I would have liked, as I am still learning the ins and outs of my camera (Maybe I should read the manual), but I came up with some images that I really like. Here are just a few.
I was playing around with slow shutter before the show started, and ended up getting this intriguing image.
I love this picture. That is the eldest of the two nieces heading to her classroom. It's blurry, but I think that fits the action of the image.
My sister, mom, and two nieces. We don't have enough group pictures, something I plan on changing. Also, my sister is chewing gum.
My younger niece proving that, yes, she does indeed belong in my family.
After a very long and hectic day, one is ready to retire for the night.
that pciture of her walking down the hallway is perfect. Looks like some kind of "Have a great day at school" poster.
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