Sunday, June 26, 2005


Yesterday was one of the most boring days in my life. All I can remember about it was reading a couple comics, and wandering around the house.

It's to the point that today I didn't want to get up because I knew I was going to be just as bored. Luckily I was wrong. Not completely wrong, but today was more entertaining.

I put in a good two and a half hours of comic readings. Vimanarama #1-3, and Conan & The Jewels of Gwahlur #1-3. Both were three issue long miniseries, and both were quite good. Vimanarama was a bit disappointing, as I had really high hopes for it. It was written by Grant Morrison, who's previous mini was WE3, which is one of the best stories I've ever read. Vimanarama is still good, but doesn't match up. Having the 3rd issue be delayed for three months didn't help either. Luckily, Morrison is doing a great job with the Seven Soldiers minis. Conan's mini on the other hand, was a ton better than I thought it would be. This was a great creepy feeling almost mystery story, and it showed a lot of the depth that Conan has. Not quite as good as the regular ongoing Conan series, but still nummy.

I also watched Justice League Unlimited on cartoon network yesterday out of sheer boredom. Surprisingly, I really, really, enjoyed it. Was a TON deeper and more mature than I thought it would be, and the story is very intriguing. I like finding good shows on accident. I really need a Tivo.

Now I'm gonna go have some of the poundcake I just baked. Poundcake is the best dessert food item in the world, no contest.


At 8:51 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

Pound Cake Chillin in muh grill
Pound Cake, I'ma get my fill

Put it in ya mouff
chew it till its gone
Grab anothah bite
it wont last fa long

Pound cake chillin in muh grill
Pound Cake, Ima get muh fill

Pound Cake chillinwikiwikiwikiwiki
Pound Cake Chillinwikiwikiwikiwiki
Pound Cake num Nums Biyatch

Cuz Das how i roll!

At 6:09 AM, Blogger Mister Nobody said...

and somewhere during the "Chillinwikiwikiwiki" I yell, "UHHHHHHGG" and then "UHHHNNNNNNGGG yeah!" After that I said random things about when I went grocery shopping when the song is ending.


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