Sunday, July 03, 2005

I Hate This Holiday.

July 4th is by far the worst holiday of the year. Crazy drunks playing with gunpowder. Such a wonderful idea. It's not only the 4th either, people started lighting them off when the stands opened, and will throughout the week, even though it is illegal and it's fire season.

I usually could care less, but my husky, Kara, is terrified of the noises fireworks make (as well as thunder). So much so that she panics and goes into a state of shock.

Last night I heard a few big, and very illegal, fireworks go off, but didn't hear her start barking. Few more went off and still no barking, so I went to check on her. She wasn't dead as I was half suspecting (last year she got so scared I thought she would drop dead), instead she had ripped, chewed, and worked her way through our fence out back that keeps our little dogs and cats in.

This pissed me off for a few reasons, one is that now all our pets could get out, and these are truly indoor animals. McGee got out once, and ran around all happy...then he realized he was outside and froze, looked around nervously, then ran back inside as fast as he could. That was funny, because McGee's a pussy, but the other's would wander, and as small as this town is, it's roads are very busy. Indoor dogs aren't known for their wisdom when it comes to moving vehicles, or other people.

Speaking of...she's already starting to panic. IT'S NOT EVEN DARK YET, DUMBSHITS YOU CANT SEE THE GODAMN FIREWORKS.

Also changed my sidebar a bit. Added a comic section showing and linking what comics I received in the week. Couple of new site links too. Replaced The Fourth Rail with Paperback Reader, since fourth rail did shitty, hypocritical, negative reviews, and Paperback Reader....doesn't. Added a link to Fire Pro Club too. I'll post more on the greatness of Fire Pro at a later time.

Right now I'm going to go sit with the dog so she doesn't do any damage.


At 7:59 PM, Blogger Rob C. said...

It doesn't matter if they can see them or not. The simple fact, that they make a loud noise is more than enough for them to enjoy them. Like Nascar, or Loud Pipes on a piece of shit truck.

It's the small pleasures. Like having the fluffiest mullet at the ho-down. or knowing that your lady has almost all of her original teeth.

At 8:01 PM, Blogger KcKelley said...

Hahahaha, thought you were talking about my dog....wait, are you talking about my dog?

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Rob C. said...

ahaha, check out my kick ass Dallas Cowboys helmet tattoo.........

/kiss bicep


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