Monday, August 23, 2004

Literary Poundcake

So my mom is finally about to start reading The Descent, by Jeff Long. I have been hounding her for about a week now to hurry up finish her current book.

About 3 weeks ago (I'm horrible with recalling times). I got The Descent. I was still reading Pyramids! by Terry Pratchett at the time, and my mom was reading The Face, by Dean Koontz. We decided that whoever finished their current book first would get to read The Descent first.

Needless to say I finished first, so I got to read The Descent before my mom, and it was one of the best books I have ever read. I enjoyed it more than the LoTR trilogy, and I'm a huge fantasy nut. Anyway, since then I have also read Just A Geek, by Wil Wheaton, and I'm over halfway through If Chins Could Kill, by Bruce Campbell. My mom finished The Face last night. I guess there's a new reading champion in the family. /flex

While it's awesome that she's going to read it now, I am scared. I fear for my book's well being. You see, my mom mutilates her books. She bends the binding all the way back, and dog-ears the pages instead of using a bookmark. I can hear the books screaming at night. I am anal about the condition my books stay in. I try to keep them as close to new looking as possible while reading them. Since The Descent is one of my all time favorite books, I am quite worried, so send your thoughts, prayers, and various panties out to my book in this trying time.

Also, poundcake is Christmas in my mouth.


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