Saturday, September 11, 2004

My Back, It Says "I Hate You"

So after my rant about myself earlier today, I got to work building my furniture that arrived a few days ago.

In all there was 2 CD racks and an entertainment center. The CD racks were basically mini bookshelves, and were cake. The entertainment center took up most my time and was a bit more of a hassle. It had a few misalinged holes, so some modifications were called for. All in all it was a lot of fun to build them and get my computer room sorted. I only endured one injury in the process, which is a cut pinky toe, so that's an improvement over my usual, which usually involves falling through a wall. It feels really good to know you've gotten something constructive done. I'll sleep a little easier tonight.

I even vacuumed! Well, I tried to, but my vacuum is a piece of shit. So more accurately, I moved a bunch of junk around while making a ton of noise, eventually getting mad and picking up the biggest bits by hand.

There are still two big bookshelves I need to build for my mom. I'll have to do those tomorrow after I ask her where they go. She's gone do visit my dad (who works remote in California) until Friday, so I have to wait on a phonecall to ask.

Now I'm off to fix the sink, then relax for the night.


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