Saturday, September 18, 2004

Pagans Rule

Yeah, so Hearshot took this religion test that he found on Erin's blog, who in turn found it on Tracy's blog.

This test was also brought to my attention by an old friend, Frank, a few years ago. I had taken it then, but have since forgot my results, so I took it again. While I consider myself as not belonging to any religion of any kind, it's interesting to see where I place.

Neo Pagan 77%
Secular Humanism 97%
Unitarian Universalism 100%

There you go. I guess I'm....that one. I want to be a Neo Pagan, that's a cool religion name. Atleast I'm not a dirty Quaker..... who wants to worship oatmeal. I'm godamn clever.

Also, for hearshot's information, Mormon didnt make it on my list, it didn't even beat Jehovah's Witnesses, who got 4%. Makes me want to go to one of their gatherings and see how they react when I show up wearing nothing but a "You're Just a Cult" shirt.


After reading my results, I realize that they really didn't fit me. So I retook the test and really thought over the questions, and the results are more fitting.

Liberal Quaker 77%
Unitarian Universalism 94%
Secular Humanism 100%

Much better. I don't know what I picked last time to make it all wrong, but fear not, this is more accurate. Guess I'm a Quaker after all /sigh.


At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cult: Definition: [n] an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"
[n] a system of religious beliefs and rituals
[n] adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices (courtesy of

So really, you could wear that shirt pretty much anywhere :) Poor Mormons, everybody picks on them. Oh and their "gatherings" are called "services" just like other churches :)

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Rob C. said...

just wait till you hear Korey's outlook on all other religions. lol


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