Friday, April 22, 2005

Home Away From Home.

This last week has been quite the week. Not in the good way, unfortunately.

My mom was visiting my dad down in California (where he lives and works) all last week. They were scheduled to come back either today, or tomorrow. That didn't happen.

On Monday I get a rather frantic call from my mom, first thing I hear is, "We're at the hospital, Dad can't breath." This shook me up pretty good, but I found out that he was stable and they were working on him at the time. We didn't know what was wrong at all, he's had some breathing problems for the past few weeks, but never like this.

So here I was, hundreds of miles away only knowing that my dad was in bad shape. They were the only ones down there, so Mom didn't have anyone there to help or anything, and I felt completely helpless. I still feel helpless.

They ran all sorts of tests on him, and found a nice variety of things wrong, including Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Disease, and signs of Congestive Heart Failure. They also found a mass in his lungs, which made them fear cancer, but it looks like that's just scar tissue from his childhood. So far, we are told, everything is treatable.

They are still in the hospital. Yesterday and today they are running tests to pinpoint where his heart is at. Mom's hoping they can come home Monday, but that's a big if. I am feeling alot better now that they seem to be getting on top of what's happening, but godamn, this week has been a ride I didn't want to go on. I had the fear of not seeing my dad again for a while, and even retelling that feeling makes all things dark and horrible. Fortunately, I need not fear that for a long while now. Luckily Rob was around to help me escape and brighten things up. The week would've been unbearable without em.

I hope this is the last medical post I make in a very long time. I'm so tired of bad news.


At 4:02 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

I'm always glad to help ya escape man, just next time try not to leave your watch behind in my "cave."

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Mister Nobody said...

That's ok, if we can find my keys we can get this car started, uh yuck, yuck...Me check for termites.

At 12:16 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

Did my balls just drop?


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