Thursday, April 07, 2005

It's...The Tainted Source....It's...Saidin...

I mentioned a few times that my computer had a heart attack. Well, I'm pretty sure I know the problem, and the fix is on it's way, but lets take a look at how this came to be.....

It was about a week ago and my keyboard started to randomly turn on and off. This was odd, because it doesn't have an on and off switch.... it's on as long as the computer is on. Here it was though, randomly turning off. A few days pass and it gets so bad I decide to plug it directly into a usb port. When I do this, the keyboard seems to be fine.... but my mouse stops working. Now I'm getting a little angry, and more than a little confused.

A day or so goes by, and I'm talking to Rob about how long it took the pope to die or something, when my mouse and keyboard stop working. Rob's in the middle of typing something (as MSN pointed out), though, so I waited till he finished to restart. I keep waiting. I wait some more. Normally I'd try to see if the program stopped responding, but alas, my mouse wouldn't work. It's then that I realized that my entire computer froze up for the first time since I built it. So I restart and everything's working again. Rob and I resume joking about the expope.

On Tuesday it freezes again. I restart, and within five minutes it freezes yet again. So I restart again and rush to open msn messenger to switch my name to "Computer May Be Dying", as to let people know what's up. When I open the options tab, and click on the name, it freezes. I get pissed and flip off the screen, an act usually reserved for really cheap bosses in RPG's. I restart again.... it freezes. This is when I notice that my little green on light is dim. I restart again and watch it. It starts off as bright as ever, then dims a bit, and then it dimmed a lot and the computer screen went to black. Then the familiar smell of burning things entered my congested nostrils, so I immediately pull out the power cord and declare the computer dead for the time being.

During all of this I am getting extremely pissed off. When I get extremely pissed off at something that isn't working, I punch it. I didn't want to punch my computer, so I looked around for the most convenient things to punch. One of which was my dad's Rod Stewart cd. So I grab it, toss it into the air, and proceed to punch it into the wall, shattering the case. Not satisfied I continue punching things,like my calculator, the file cabinet, and an old keyboard I had laying around.

And thus, after much thinking and cooling down, I am almost positive that the power source fizzled on me, so hopefully that's the fix. I ordered a new snazzy tower with an even better powersource and it should be here either Saturday, or early next week. Hopefully I'll be back to my normal computer soon, and then I can go back to bitching about it instead.


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

he looks like santy clause all dressed in red and white.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

wait a second.....has anyone here ver seen the pope and santa in the same place at the same time?


the Pope IS Santa

At 10:00 AM, Blogger KcKelley said... that's why I always got bibles and a guilt trip from him.

....I wish bibles were pronounced bibbles.

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

PRAISE BE TO HIBBLE...for sending us them bibbles

/throws up signs and shows off spinner-rim giant platinum necklace of a dollar sign.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger KcKelley said...

The Hibble be Fibbing my Bibble wit his Dibble.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...


OH KAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 10:06 AM, Blogger KcKelley said...

hahaha I fucked up... Gibble Fibbled me, not Hibble.

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...



At 11:51 AM, Blogger Mister Nobody said...

Yeah, I'm in the dark with the ebonics that Snoop would have trouble figuring out.

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Mister Nobody said...

You know, come to think of it, I've never seen Samuel L. Jackson and Bono it the same place either...something smells fishy...nevermind, that's just Mr. Trout.

At 5:36 PM, Blogger Rob C. said...

YES THEY DESERVE TO DIE AND I HOPE THEY have a beautiful day...don't let it slip away. it's a beautiful WHAT...SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!!!!


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