Tuesday, July 19, 2005

No Wind....

Haven't posted like I said I would.

Shit has hit the fan once again this year, and I just haven't had the drive to write anything.

Dad had his second surgery of the year this past weekend, in what has to be about his fourth trip to the ER. He's fine, just had his gall bladder removed, but it was stressful, and having to drive 7 hours to go be with him is hard at a moment's notice.

The 4th, Part 2 I hyped up is cancelled. That story is forever tainted by a certain someone who has walked out on a certain family member, two kids, and no money, in a house she has no way of affording. I'm looking into legal action, and what she could qualify for, being a disabled mother that can't work.

If I got my hands on who walked out on her, I could do some serious damage, and I would love every bit of it. I relish the thought of having his head in my hands, and squeezing until I feel it caving in.

Hopefully this year will turn around and have a good second half. The possibility is certainly there, as test wells have been placed (as far as I know), and any day now things could start happening. That is extremely exciting to say the least. Not saying much more as I don't want to flaunt, or make it all that known (kind of thing attracts people I don't want).

This weekend has been hard and tiring. I am still resting, but will hopefully start posting again a little more often.

This blog's existence and location has been released to family now. It should be interesting to see the reactions, to say the least.


At 3:47 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

/says somethin bout the cowboys doodle doodle
/gets head caved in
/is smarter than before

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Mister Nobody said...

My mom had an emergency run for her gol bladder about three years ago...that was fun...and the other part I went through with my sister...though not quite as heart breaking...

I'd agree killing with bare hands is the way to go.


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