I Want to Sleep.
Can't sleep once again. It's been this way for well over a week now. I stay up until 2-3am, then lay in bed till around 5am, sleep till 10, and get up. I wish I'd hurry up and cycle out of it.
Tonight I decided to do a little research reading. Something I've wanted to do a lot lately. Ya know, reading about historical events, or a certain religion, or the process of making flour. Stuff like that interests the hell out of me.
I read a lot on Scientology today, and I gotta say wow. Now that's one crazy, dangerous cult. I've got a lot more reading to do on it, but it is deeply fascinating, and kinda scary that it's still around.
I also looked into some things I might study if I ever go to college. Things that I've always been interested in, but never really thought I could do it for some reason. Why can't I do it? That's a stupid question, because I can if I put in the time.....and I really need to find something I want to do as a career. So I've been looking up things to look into further. Things like Philosophy, Metaphysics, Archeology, and Anthropology. I love the stuff. Looked into Theology too, but it seems Catholicism has hijacked that and turned it into studying to be in the ministry. Basically the last thing I would ever do. The most appealing subjects seem to be in the archeological field. I look forward to really digging in.
I would like to sleep now, but I really got my mind going, so I wont be able to. Instead, Lookit this.