Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I Want to Sleep.

Can't sleep once again. It's been this way for well over a week now. I stay up until 2-3am, then lay in bed till around 5am, sleep till 10, and get up. I wish I'd hurry up and cycle out of it.

Tonight I decided to do a little research reading. Something I've wanted to do a lot lately. Ya know, reading about historical events, or a certain religion, or the process of making flour. Stuff like that interests the hell out of me.

I read a lot on Scientology today, and I gotta say wow. Now that's one crazy, dangerous cult. I've got a lot more reading to do on it, but it is deeply fascinating, and kinda scary that it's still around.

I also looked into some things I might study if I ever go to college. Things that I've always been interested in, but never really thought I could do it for some reason. Why can't I do it? That's a stupid question, because I can if I put in the time.....and I really need to find something I want to do as a career. So I've been looking up things to look into further. Things like Philosophy, Metaphysics, Archeology, and Anthropology. I love the stuff. Looked into Theology too, but it seems Catholicism has hijacked that and turned it into studying to be in the ministry. Basically the last thing I would ever do. The most appealing subjects seem to be in the archeological field. I look forward to really digging in.

I would like to sleep now, but I really got my mind going, so I wont be able to. Instead, Lookit this.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


Yesterday was one of the most boring days in my life. All I can remember about it was reading a couple comics, and wandering around the house.

It's to the point that today I didn't want to get up because I knew I was going to be just as bored. Luckily I was wrong. Not completely wrong, but today was more entertaining.

I put in a good two and a half hours of comic readings. Vimanarama #1-3, and Conan & The Jewels of Gwahlur #1-3. Both were three issue long miniseries, and both were quite good. Vimanarama was a bit disappointing, as I had really high hopes for it. It was written by Grant Morrison, who's previous mini was WE3, which is one of the best stories I've ever read. Vimanarama is still good, but doesn't match up. Having the 3rd issue be delayed for three months didn't help either. Luckily, Morrison is doing a great job with the Seven Soldiers minis. Conan's mini on the other hand, was a ton better than I thought it would be. This was a great creepy feeling almost mystery story, and it showed a lot of the depth that Conan has. Not quite as good as the regular ongoing Conan series, but still nummy.

I also watched Justice League Unlimited on cartoon network yesterday out of sheer boredom. Surprisingly, I really, really, enjoyed it. Was a TON deeper and more mature than I thought it would be, and the story is very intriguing. I like finding good shows on accident. I really need a Tivo.

Now I'm gonna go have some of the poundcake I just baked. Poundcake is the best dessert food item in the world, no contest.

Monday, June 20, 2005

5/13/05 W.O.W. Hall in Eugene, OR

It may look like he's just making farting noises, but no, he's really rocking. Dave Elkins of Mae, with Rob Sweitzer in the background.


Too bad my best pic of the night had to be of the poser opening act band.....It's a nice picture though.

Guess who's on the rag.


A couple of the Kitties at Rob's place showing poor taste in pillows.

I imagine Yellow Kitty saying "Gyarg!"

Yellow Kitty learning to wink at unsuspecting passers by.

Grey Kitty rules so much.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A Lady Cut My Hair.



Tuesday, June 14, 2005

It's Important.

I'm watching the Food Network, and the lady is talking about parsley. I tell her that parsley sucks, and she says, "Parsley livens and brightens the flavor of any food."
"No it doesn't, it's crap, don't put it in my food." I exclaim.
"I put it in everything." she says with a smile, as she dumps a bunch of it into whatever she was making. Causing me to yell "SHUT UP BITCH!" and mute the tv.

Such is my life.


This makes me think dirty thoughts.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Never Alone In Seclusion

I've never had a welcoming committee before, let alone one that arrived after I got home.

Yesterday I got back home from my two week stay in Texas. As I was heading to my door, eager to get inside and rest my weary self, my sister drives up. The doors of her car open and my two nieces, plus their friend, pop out and unfold big "Welcome Back" and "we missed you" signs they had made. My tiredness momentarily faded, replaced by warmth and comfort.

They would've been in the driveway by the time I got home, but my mom fell asleep instead of giving them the signal. That didn't matter, though, the message still hit home. As my nieces ran up to hug me a thought entered my head. What these signs, the work, and the thought that went into them told me- assured me, rather- is that no matter what I'll never be alone when it comes to family. Whether I'm across town, or in Texas, my family will always be close to me.

Distance is deceiving.