Monday, February 20, 2006


Who is Harry?

Harry is a pink stuffed rabbit. He's been with me since I was born. It's a miracle that he's survived this long. I've recently had him repaired actually. His head was hanging on by a few threads, and he had lost most of his stuffing. Now he is as good as new.

Harry is a reminder. I have kept him for a reason. He is a symbol of what I want out of life. I keep him with me so that I don't lose sight of it. I did for a little while in recent years, and Harry fell by the side. I've recently put him back where he belongs.

Most importantly, Harry is a gift. From me to my first born child. I have been waiting all my life to give him away. The day I pass Harry along is the day my life truly becomes complete. The day I wait ever so diligently for.

Thank you, Harry. You give me hope.


At 5:11 PM, Blogger Rob C. said...

I have slept with harry. Nigga gotz mad juevos!


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