Saturday, February 11, 2006

Basketball and Stomach Pain.

I had forgotten how tiny school toilets are.

I went over to Misty's this morning because Haleigh had her second basketball game of the year. She made me an egg and cheese bagel, which I had with a glass of milk. Since my stomach is more sensitive than two spooning interior decorators, this caused me some internal problems. So instead of watching the warm ups, I was trying to go to the bathroom in a toilet that Barbie could use.

I didn't miss any of the game, though, and I took some pictures. Only a few, as my camera went dead right on cue. The lighting wasn't very good, and I didn't want to use flash, so some are a bit blurry.


Haleigh looks good in pink. Don't tell her I said that. I'd be a dead man.

Babies love the big guy with the funny face.

Gotta love it when the game's barely over, and someone takes your picture.

I'm off to go grocery shopping, cheers.



At 4:36 PM, Blogger Rob C. said...

teh hawt......



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