Monday, September 20, 2004

Snoopy's Balls

"Phillipe! This flower is pregnant and you're the father!" - Liebot, from Achewood


I've been looking for this webcomic that I found a few years ago, but couldn't remember the name. You know that feeling, trying to find something you loved but forgot. It's extremely frustrating. The thrill and relief of finally finding it, though, more than makes up for it.

I used to read webcomics every day. I loved them and I don't know why I stopped reading them, so today I decided to go back and bookmark my old faves. I'll link em over.

Achewood - This is the one I just found again. It is god.

Sinfest - Awesomeness. It's been a while since I've read any of em, but I love it. I need to buy the books. Monique is hot.

Space Moose (RIP) - I wish this one was still going. A moose from space that has a thing with sodomy. There is no greater description in history than that, my friends.

Also, Keenspot is a host for a lot of webcomics, including Sinfest. I still need to go through them and see which ones are keepers.

I'm all excited right now, just like when I found The Last Unicorn and Murder by Death again.


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