Friday, July 29, 2005

My MMO Life: Prologue.

Since I can remember, and I can remember way back, I've always wanted to be in a different world. Not in the "I hate this world" sense, and more in a "Wouldn't it be great to live in a world like this" sense. I know where this comes from.

It all started when I was very little, around two years old. We lived on what we call the House in Wonder. It was a wonder that the house was still standing. I can make a full post on that house alone, and will, in the future. It was in this house that I first saw two movies, Labyrinth, and The Dark Crystal. I can still feel the sense of wonder and awe, marveling at the worlds that were created and shown in these movies. My love for fantasy was born in those movies, and hasn't stopped growing since.

Ever since then I've wanted to be able to escape into these worlds. I watched the movies constantly. I still watch them a few times a year. I discovered that books let me delve into these worlds, and I read constantly. The first fantasy book I can remember reading was The Hobbit. I never knew how vivid your imagination could make these worlds. I remember The Hobbit as if I lived it myself. When I finished the book, I went back to the front and started reading again. I never wanted it to end.

The Legend of Zelda also plays into this. I remember the original one being the first game I ever beat, but the true beauty of it came with the release of Link to the Past. I can remember visiting my sister, Shannon, and seeing that they had a Super Nintendo. I can remember Jeff putting in Link to the Past. It completely blew me away. I can still hear that rain falling. Not only was this a realized world, but I could interact with it. It was me doing the adventuring, me who was saving Hyrule. After I beat the game, I longed for more. I got it in Ocarina of Time, many years later.

In my love for fantasy, and the desire to be in these worlds, I searched far and wide for more sources. I had my movies, my books, and my Zelda, all of which I loved, and still love. But I wanted something deeper. Zelda almost gave me that, but it was the same every time through. I wanted a world that lived and breathed. One that I could truly escape in to, one I could make real friends in.

Enter the MMORPG, or the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

Over the next few weeks I'll be writing a multi-part story about my time playing, and living, in these MMO's. I'll write of my adventures, friend's I've made and lost, and what these games mean to me, and why they speak to me in the special way that they do. Stay tuned.

Next week: Everquest, The Wonderbuns Era.

Friday, July 22, 2005


I'm tired of being negative.

As you can see, the 4th turned out to be great. I didn't mind sitting out with Kara at all. It probably did me some good, getting some fresh air with nothing to do but think. You can never get enough time to think, about life, about family, and yourself. I did a ton of the inward thinking while in California. I thought about things I'd like to improve about myself, I thought so much I ended up finally crying, quietly as to not wake up mom of course, but still, I cried. I haven't cried since 2002, and oddly enough I think I was listening to the same Elton John cd. This negativity was a part of it, but there were others, which I'll get to at a later date.

It came to a head that night, and I really got it set in my mind to try and change my thinking. I can tell that I've made progress, I'm feeling more confident in my abilities, and bolder in my actions with others. Confidence has always been a battle for me, and getting into a more positive frame of mind has certainly helped.

I'm going to change my posting style. I'm thinking of making weekly posts. I want to do more stories, or articles. A week will give me enough time to cook up an idea, and nurture it into a (hopefully) good, long post. I'm still going to write about pretty much anything, going to try and broaden what I write about actually.

I'm also going to try to brighten up this blog. That's something I used to be really proud of, and was known for. Always the light hearted and happy go lucky type, I want that back. No more venting here, and yes, I know blogs are great places to vent, but I want my blog to be something you'll actually enjoy reading, and something I'll enjoy writing. I do most of my venting at Rob anyway lol. I have a ton of ideas on what to write (yes, that article on geek culture is still there), be it a work of fiction, or an observation of society.

I think I've made a post like this before, but that didn't have conviction, it was more a desperate attempt to trigger something, something that has already been triggered this time. Nowadays I'm feeling motivated, and very positive, despite everything that's happened this year. If I drank I'd have some champagne right now.

I'm going to look into a new template, and will cook up a new title, as I'm feeling like change, both here and in myself.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

No Wind....

Haven't posted like I said I would.

Shit has hit the fan once again this year, and I just haven't had the drive to write anything.

Dad had his second surgery of the year this past weekend, in what has to be about his fourth trip to the ER. He's fine, just had his gall bladder removed, but it was stressful, and having to drive 7 hours to go be with him is hard at a moment's notice.

The 4th, Part 2 I hyped up is cancelled. That story is forever tainted by a certain someone who has walked out on a certain family member, two kids, and no money, in a house she has no way of affording. I'm looking into legal action, and what she could qualify for, being a disabled mother that can't work.

If I got my hands on who walked out on her, I could do some serious damage, and I would love every bit of it. I relish the thought of having his head in my hands, and squeezing until I feel it caving in.

Hopefully this year will turn around and have a good second half. The possibility is certainly there, as test wells have been placed (as far as I know), and any day now things could start happening. That is extremely exciting to say the least. Not saying much more as I don't want to flaunt, or make it all that known (kind of thing attracts people I don't want).

This weekend has been hard and tiring. I am still resting, but will hopefully start posting again a little more often.

This blog's existence and location has been released to family now. It should be interesting to see the reactions, to say the least.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

4th, Part 1.

This 4th of July turned out better than I thought it would. Yeah, I had to sit with Kara much of the night, but the night was nice and cool, and I was really able to relax a bit. Kara is good company when she isn't panicking.

My nieces realized I wouldn't be able to come over and watch them light their fireworks because of the dog, so they decided to light them here, so I could be with them. The kids have a lot of heart. With them welcoming me home from Texas, and changing their fireworks plans (they didn't go to the big town display to stay and light some with me), and countless other examples, they are really showing me a wonderful side of life. I'm really lucky to be able to be their uncle....even if they are a bit loud sometimes. :)

Picture Time.

Here we see the girls, Holly up front telling her mom how to do something, Haleigh with a really dark tan, Misty sporting her foam necklace, and Mom's ankle.


This was a firetruck that was meant to speed around and pretend to put out fires using it's spark emitting hose. All it did was blow up.

Kara displaying her mental prowess by turning our little foot stool into armor.

Holly looks on with a childlike fascination that is only a memory for me.

Look for "4th, Part 2" in the next few days. Non-stop destructive action! Sparks will fly..or will they?!? Can Wolverine keep me from stabbing Storm in the face??? Stay tuned, True Believers!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I Hate This Holiday.

July 4th is by far the worst holiday of the year. Crazy drunks playing with gunpowder. Such a wonderful idea. It's not only the 4th either, people started lighting them off when the stands opened, and will throughout the week, even though it is illegal and it's fire season.

I usually could care less, but my husky, Kara, is terrified of the noises fireworks make (as well as thunder). So much so that she panics and goes into a state of shock.

Last night I heard a few big, and very illegal, fireworks go off, but didn't hear her start barking. Few more went off and still no barking, so I went to check on her. She wasn't dead as I was half suspecting (last year she got so scared I thought she would drop dead), instead she had ripped, chewed, and worked her way through our fence out back that keeps our little dogs and cats in.

This pissed me off for a few reasons, one is that now all our pets could get out, and these are truly indoor animals. McGee got out once, and ran around all happy...then he realized he was outside and froze, looked around nervously, then ran back inside as fast as he could. That was funny, because McGee's a pussy, but the other's would wander, and as small as this town is, it's roads are very busy. Indoor dogs aren't known for their wisdom when it comes to moving vehicles, or other people.

Speaking of...she's already starting to panic. IT'S NOT EVEN DARK YET, DUMBSHITS YOU CANT SEE THE GODAMN FIREWORKS.

Also changed my sidebar a bit. Added a comic section showing and linking what comics I received in the week. Couple of new site links too. Replaced The Fourth Rail with Paperback Reader, since fourth rail did shitty, hypocritical, negative reviews, and Paperback Reader....doesn't. Added a link to Fire Pro Club too. I'll post more on the greatness of Fire Pro at a later time.

Right now I'm going to go sit with the dog so she doesn't do any damage.