Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Crash and Burn, Dummies

It's 6am and I'm watching Dumb & Dumber while reading my Knights of the Dinner Table Bundle of Trouble Vol. 1. (told you I was a geek). The part where they split up after going the wrong way for half the country just played. Crash Test Dummies started playing and I was reminded of an incident from my past......

}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{ (......those are sqiggly dream lines...use your imagination.)

There I am, 13 years of age and living in California, voice cracking and hormones moshpitting. Causing many interesting ideas to pop into my head, and forming my newfound love for late night HBO.

I climb up the hill through my back yard to see if Luke (my shitty friend at the time) was in. Before I get to Luke's apartment, Brian (the even shittier fat bully friend who was nice when he wanted something) runs out of his.

"Dude, Korey, I need your help man! My Crash Test Dummies cd isn't playing right, I think it's scratched! Do you know how to fix that? It's my favorite cd man!"

My mind starts ticking. I don't like this guy, I don't like his cd, and I really don't like his face. He's been the cause of much suffering in school. I think of how to help him, and say thanks for the great memories. Suddenly I get an idea.

"Don't worry man, just put it in the microwave for a few minutes and the heat will smooth out any scratches"

His eyes light up with hope, and excitedly he says, "Thanks man! You're the best."

Knowing that, even though I'm "The Best" right now, tomorrow in school will be another day of hell and humiliation, with much contribution from Brian, I waited with great expectations outside of his apartment. The joy I felt when he came out, face red and eyes getting glossy was deeply fulfilling.

"Dude, it just crackled a bit and now it's all broken!"

"Damn, I don't know what to tell you man, it works with all mine. It must be your microwave or something."

With that I shrugged and went back home, smiling all the way.

Small victories are some of the greatest things.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger KcKelley said...

Yeah I was gonna so the fingers, but i wanted to be orinignal. I wanted to be my own, I WANTED TO BE SOMEBODY! SEE WHAT YOU DID? /runs away crying

At 9:28 AM, Blogger KcKelley said...

/hides under the covers with Harry, the pink rabbit, and wishes the world to go away

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

Don't let your feet hang over the edge, or I'll GET EM!!!!!!!

/sits quietly in the closet until everyone is asleep but you

At 9:37 AM, Blogger KcKelley said...

Did you hear that, Harry?

Me too...... it sounded like a cat puking...... and it came from the closet.


hmmm... it smells. A fart?.... there's only one ass that I know that could make such a sound....

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Rob C. said...

/bursts from the closet standing backwards with no pants on

MWAHAAHAHAHA tis I, the Rectalator!!!!!

/spews a brown mist filling the room and reaches for Harry


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